The Power of a Pause

The Power of a Pause as a Surrender to Love

I write today from a place deep within my soul. For me, these last few weeks have been the most challenging of my entrepreneurial journey in every single way. Everything in my life and business has felt so complicated and complex recently. So difficult. So doubtful. So frustrating. So sacrificial. So exhausting. So defeating. I’ve been fearful. I‘ve felt shameful and embarrassed. I've felt like giving up and walking away.

And, as part of this journey, I’ve made a vow to continue to deepen my personal transformation and share that with you. So, here I am today. In total surrender. Surrender to love in everything I do. In how I live. In how I love. In how I share.

As part of my surrender to love, I am pausing. I am pushing the pause button throughout my day. When relationships feel like chaos, I am pausing so I can ground myself. So I can connect to myself. So I can tap into my intuition. So I can be fully present in this moment to love. So I can listen to my heart and soul. So I can surrender to receiving love and opening myself up to experiencing even deeper love. So, I‘m living with a heart full of love. When I love fully every day in everything I do, I am inviting it miracles of love to flow in and I can bring even more love into the world. I’m using a pause today so I can make decisions from a place of love, not fear. I may pause for a few seconds or a few minutes.

The pause will only take as long as it takes for my heart, soul, and intuition to awaken so I am guided from a place of deep love.

Over the next seven days, I vow to pause the moments that feel complicated and complex and surrender to love to help me find a solution. When I hit pause, I desire to feel grounded, connected, and fully present. By doing so, I can tap into my intuition and my soul’s desire to share love. By pausing, I can be love in any moment. Loving is a choice. Opening up to sharing and to receiving love is a choice. In my surrender, love is my only choice.

Would you like to explore how the power of taking a pause could transform how you make decisions in life and in love? Today, I want to share a video about what makes a woman truly irresistible and it might just be exactly what you need today because it’s likely not what you’re expecting. Deep Breathe and Enjoy. XOXO